.intuition1.0_ is an oil on canvas painting/sculpture representation of .intuition2.1_. see below for the free/open content for .intuition2.1..intuition1.0 has approximately the same dimensions as the multiple “intuition” by joseph beuys:30 x 21 x 5.8 cm. the canvas is painted with titanium white oil (Pigment White 6, CI 77891) as the background and the text on it is painted with lamp black oil (PBk6). the text reads:
.there is also the following handwritten texts on the back of the frame:
a unique work of art with an absolute exchange value of
96,000 deutsche marks_
.copyleft!_ . .-_-. , 2012
.as of 2013, .intuition1.0_ is the only work of art for sale by .-_-. with an exchange value of 96.000 deutsche marks and it cannot be exchanged for any other currency_
.right click the links below to download the master and web size files for the photos of .intuition1.0_
.intuition2.0_ is an html code. it tells the web browser to display the image called “intution.jpg” in web directory_
.this image, the “intuition.jpg” is supposed to be a photo of german artist joseph beuys‘ multiple work of art called “intuition”, which is copyrighted and even using the images of it requires licensing. since this copyrighted image is not found in the web directory of the project, then the html code tells the web browser to display the alt attribute text instead_
.however each web browser behaves different for this situation and you will see the work in different forms in different browsers and operating systems_
.the html code also has a link to project’s page and an title attribute_
.check .intuition2.1_ to see how this html code looks when rendered by firefox 3.6.12 in gnu/linux with freesans font (size 14)_
.intuition3.0: totally dematerialized, zero-byte work of art_ is just an empty computer directory named intuition3.0 for the desktop environment for your computer’s operating system; an empty folder for your desktop_ it is distributed online from the link above in a .tar.gz archive that you can extract on your desktop or you can just create a folder on your desktop with the name intuition3.0